Nominations for Speaker of Chief Pleas to open
The incumbent Speaker of Chief Pleas, Lt. Col. Reginald Guille confirmed at the last meeting of Sark’s government that he would not stand for re-election to the role when his term of office expires on 27th February 2023. Nominations for this position will open on 28th December 2022 whilst the closing date will be 6th January 2023 at 3pm.
A recent update on the Chief Pleas website confirmed that:
‘Application forms will be available from the Greffe Office from the 6th of December 2022 during normal Greffe Office hours or alternatively on the Sark government website…’
The election will take place at an Extraordinary Chief Pleas to be held on 18th January 2023, with the length of office to be determined by the Policy & Finance Committee and the new Speaker of the House.