Isle of Sark Shipping Company Ltd (IoSS) Managing Director, Yan Milner, has confirmed that he company’s audited accounts for the year ending 30th September 2022 will not be finalised until the middle of next month. However, he was able to give the Sark News a preview of the forthcoming update.

During 2021/22, the passenger volumes returned to pre-COVID levels albeit with a different mix of passenger/ticket types and with the help of some very settled and sunny weather in June, July and August.

Table below shows the overall volumes October 2021 to September 2022 in passenger legs:
The following chart illustrates the changes to the market sectors/ticket types during and post- COVID. A detailed breakdown ticket sales by type follows:
As can be seen from the following chart, agent group day returns have still not recovered to pre-COVID levels, whilst cruise ship visits are also still well down on previous volumes. Total period returns (staying visitors) regrettably are dropping back post-COVID but still ahead of the 5-year average. Day returns ex-Sark are almost double the pre-5-year average – £16.50 discounted day trip and less Sark originating period returns and singles.
Passengers Interesting Trivia
Internet bookings moved from 30% of total bookings pre-COVID to 85% during COVID and has now dropped back to 50% whilst the carriage of dogs has tripled in the last 2 years.

As predicted general cargo and charter volumes have increased with the introduction of the land reform act allowing properties to be bought and sold linked with the shipment of materials for building and renovation.


The audited end of year accounts will not be available until mid-November at the earliest. Financially we have had a good season and currently have enough money set aside that we are very likely to get through the winter period without needing to resort to our overdraft facility despite inflation putting pressure on the operating costs. During the course of the season the cost of fuel peaked during the summer months at £1.04 per litre; this compares to an average cost of £0.32 pence in the same period 2020 and £0.43 pence in 2021.

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