Recent local media outlets have announced that Herm and Sark ferries are reporting that they are having a ‘decent season’.
With Guernsey’s visitor statistics,,
showing that the numbers to June 2022 appear to be 58,000 behind by sea and more than 100,000 behind by air,
the respective ferry companies appear to be maintaining numbers in spite of some of the issues that are being faced.
Yan Milner, managing director of the Isle of Sark Shipping Company Ltd, added that:
‘Travel to and from Sark is around the same level as 2018/19. The early part of the year was similar to 2021 with a
large number of Bailiwick residents travelling and above average numbers of staying visitors. From April onwards we
started to see small numbers of UK visitors travelling mostly day-trippers. Through May and June and up to date, the
numbers of ‘non-resident’ visitors has steadily increased, and the monthly volumes are close to the pre-COVID averages. 
The number of tour operator bookings and tour operator groups are still well behind the pre-COVID numbers but have been replaced by individuals and higher than pre-COVID numbers of Guernsey residents travelling for day trips and short breaks. The fine and settled weather has undoubtedly helped keep the numbers high. August to date volumes are just a couple of percent behind the pre-COVID 5-year average.’

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