Sark’s Chamber of Commerce hosts Tourism Breakfast Workshop

Sark’s Chamber of Commerce held an open workshop this week at Nova’s Restaurant to discuss the future of the island’s tourism sector. With around 40 attendees including members of the island’s Tourism Committee and employees of Sark’s Visitor Centre, Chamber President Sheree Holly welcomed everyone before confirming that there would be four key topics that had been shortlisted for discussion: Isle of Sark Shipping and connectivity, Identifying Sark’s Target Market and Unique Selling Point, Reaching the Target Market and Encouraging Collaboration on Sark. Each subject had around 15 minutes for dialogue and elicited some very interesting points.

Encouraging aspects included the promise of ongoing communication and co-ordination between various stakeholders. The meeting was capped at 90 minutes which allowed ample time for brainstorming without becoming to mired in detail. A summary can be found on the Chamber website at: Tourism on Sark Meetup — Sark Chamber of Commerce

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