
SAstroS is pleased to welcome Bob Bower FRAS back to Sark this year after a two- year break from any star festivals because of the pandemic.


Bob arrives on Thursday 18th August and will have a supper together with members of
the Society in the Island Hall after which he will visit the Observatory.
Friday 19th 2-4pm Talk: “Our Solar System” by Bob Bower Board Room, Island Hall
5-7pm ‘The Martian’, film starring Matt Damon (PG)
Sanctuary Cinema
8.30pm Open sky viewing to see sunset & the first stars appearing
Millennium Field
9pm Observatory sessions with Bob & guides, bookings in advance please.
Saturday 20th 2-4pm Talk by Bob: “Life Beyond our Solar System: SETI and Exoplanets”, Board Room, Island Hall 4-7pm ‘Interstellar’ (PG) Film starring Michael McConaughey Sanctuary cinema
9pm Observatory sessions with Bob
Sunday z1st Open-sky stargazing from Annie’s garden with friends, neighbours and visitors. A chance to meet up with Bob over a glass of wine.
Please note that outside activities depend upon weather conditions. The sun sets at 2023hrs (8.23pm) on Thursday. Pre-booking for Observatory is essential. No charges are made for events but donations towards the Sark Sanctuary and SAstroS would be appreciated.
Wishing everybody clear skies.

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